Friday 31 October 2014

AQUA COWS (caribbean bay & hanu festival)

during warm october i decided to visit the largest indoor/outdoor water park in the world (says
in the close proximity of caribbean bay lies everland - huge theme park with annual attendance over 6 million of people, which explains this photo:

that day as any other, vast majority of sweet teens headed to everland (although i must admit i also have been attracted by its massive wooden - yes, wooden - roller coaster with 1 641 meters in length)
however, i withstood its lures and set my foot towards the aqua paradise, day ticket cost 28 000 wons (560 cz crowns) which is notably less compared to the peak season.
main reason is that a great number of crazy outdoor attractions is closed :/
on the other hand the place offered relaxed atmosphere so i could enjoy deserved remedy for my old bones in peace kkkk :D
outdoor bubbles under the sun!!!!!

again. korean people, you can take your clothes off ! just sayin'

the water park appearance is utilizing caribbean elements, indoor part is extensive open space structured in five height levels

wheeeeeeee, which one?

after checking all the rides, i found myself momentarily content just sailing the river way on a rubber ring in afternoon sunshine ---

i felt goood there
when you are nearby, give it a try and avoid weekends

leaving the park, passing the ships, heading towards the blushing trees:

for way back i took yongin everline which is fully automated driverless light metro line connecting everland with seoul, i wish this transportation good luck and only rational travellers

on the way i could witnessed a stadium under construction
no biggie for korean economy

the cow part

business english teacher showed me a website which offers for foreigners travelling with shuttle buses which operates the routes from seoul to one of many festivals held all around the korea
i chose hanu festival in hoengseong - beef festival :D
it is annual gathering to celebrate hanu - Korean native cattle.
hell rider

you can taste there great beef meat and many other specialities and agriculture products, try farm life and get to know local rural traditions, this all acompanied by music and dance programme and kids attractions

ms cattle kent

adults watching random kids fighting, girl won and is like let's get out of here

hundreds of festival tents stretched along the river with packs of korean feasting around tables crammed with food -that was hanu festival
overall i appreciated the fair
educational sculpture/ride for kids

more to come-- (more warm autumn hiking)

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